Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Using Feng Shui to Buy, Sell, and Move In to a Home

I am a trained Feng Shui practitioner, and often use the principles of this ancient art of energy flow to assist my buyer and seller clients in assessing or enhancing the merits of the homes they may be purchasing or selling. I know that when Feng Shui techniques are used appropriately, and with a sincere and focused intention, they act as powerful tools to transform an environment.

Barbara Madding and Peg Donahue, who are colleagues and good friends of mine, and together offer Feng Shui analytical services through Feng Shui Connections, have founded the New England Center for Feng Shui and Intuitive Arts, which offers seminars and workshops on a multitude of fascinating topics including Feng Shui, dowsing, geopathic stress, and architectural psychology.

For the next three weeks, they will be offering Thursday evening teleclasses of particular interest to those who are in the process of buying, selling, or moving into a new home.

On Thursday, March 16th, the focus will be Using Feng Shui to Attract the Perfect Buyer for Your Home, which will outline how you can prepare both the interior and exterior of your home for sale, and highlight the strongest areas of your property to maximize its appeal.

On Thursday, March 23rd, Barbara and Peg will provide Feng Shui Tips for Purchasing Your Home, a discussion of which shapes, sites, and qualities are likely to be supportive to the lives of a home's inhabitants and which could create unwelcome challenges.

On Thursday, March 30th, the series comes full circle, with a workhop on Moving into a New Home and Settling Your Chi, which will describe simple space clearing techniques to rid your new home of old energies from the past occupants, and instill fresh life force that is harmonized to support your highest good.

You don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home to participate in these teleclasses, which will be conducted from 7:30-9pm on a conference call line. You can register online at the NECFS website; the fee is $35 per teleclass, or $90 for the series. If you're interested in participating but can't be present for the live teleclass, no worries! The classes will be taped and will be available for listening for 60 days after the event.

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